AML Policy

More Important Stuff!

Introduction is a brand name of PVP Money System Limitada and is registered in Costa Rica. is also referred to as PVP Money or “Service” or “Website” or “Platform” throughout this document.

References in this policy to "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" means PVP Money System Limitada.

Objective of the AML Policy

We want to offer all Our users a secure experience with PVP Money, and that is why we have limited the amount of information we capture about users. However, our Platform has blacklisting capability built in, which will be used for any cryptocurrency wallets and users, which are suspected of malicious or unethical behaviour towards financial regulations worldwide. This includes suspected money laundering as well as other areas including terrorist financing.

We are committed to complying with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and laws as applicable in the EU, but also via other international guidelines and compliance. This requires management and employees to enforce these standards in preventing the use of its services for money laundering purposes. However, given the limited information We capture about users of the Platform (due to its decentralised and blockchain focussed architecture), We will not have certain personally identifiable information at hand to support any ongoing or future investigations.

We do however endeavour to support in any way requested of Us, by law enforcement or regulatory bodies.

Definition of money laundering

The conversion or transfer of property, especially money, knowing that such property is derived from criminal activity or from taking part in such activity, for the purpose of concealing or disguising the illegal origin of the property or of helping any person who is involved in the commission of such an activity to evade the legal consequences of that person's or company's action.

The concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, location, disposition, movement, rights with respect to, or ownership of, property, knowing that such property is derived from criminal activity or from an act of participation in such an activity.

The acquisition, possession, or use of property, knowing, at the time of receipt, that such property was derived from criminal activity or from assisting in such an activity.

Participation in, association to commit, attempts to commit and aiding, abetting, facilitating, and counselling the commission of any of the actions referred to in points mentioned earlier in this document.

Money laundering shall be regarded as such even when the activities which generated the property to be laundered were carried out in the territory of another Member State or in that of another Country.

Responsibility of the Company

In accordance with the AML legislation, the board of directors of the Company is responsible for supporting the actions in the prevention of money laundering.

AML policy changes and implementation requirements

Each major change of this AML policy is subject to approval by the managing director of the Company.

Know Your Customer

Customer Due Diligence (“CDD”)

The Company has adopted a risk based CDD process to enable Us to understand the nature and purpose of the user relationship to the platform to develop a user risk profile. To do this, We collect information about users (e.g., wallet address, email address) when new wallets connect to the platform.

· Monitoring the risk profile associated with the underlying cryptocurrency wallet.

· Maintaining records of wallet activity on the platform.

· Determining if a wallet or user appears on any list of known or suspected terrorists or terrorist organizations provided to the financial institutions based on the above information.

Whenever suspicion occurs regarding activity on a wallet connected to the Website, checks will be undertaken on the wallet silently to avoid tip offs. In the event of any investigation yielding something potentially connected to any suspected wrongdoing, the investigative findings will be flagged to relevant authorities in an appropriate manner, via appropriate channel(s).

We may use third-party service providers to help provide any additional information as to potentially identify a user, including Blockchain analysts, private investigators, and other third-party services.

Acceptance Policy

We will not accept and will block any users who:

· Are from restricted or prohibited jurisdictions.

· Are subjected to United States, European Union, or other global sanctions or watch lists.

· Are gambling addicts or have mental health issues.

· Are suspected of being connected to any illicit or illegal activity.

We also reserve the right to block and suspend players for any other reasons at our own discretion to protect Us.

Transaction Monitoring

We will conduct ongoing monitoring on a regular basis to review user history and patterns of activity to detect and report any unusual activity as required and to develop and implement any additional controls or measures that are required to make the platform safe for others.

Screening for Sanctioned Parties

We will screen a user’s wallet address against applicable sanctions databases from time to time. Such screening measures will rely on third-party blockchain forensics vendors such as Chainalysis. We will periodically re-screen wallet addresses against such databases continually looking for evidence of foul play.

We will also look for patterns to identify Unusual Activity. This could include but is not limited to unusual size of stakes, volume of stakes and patterns of stakes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our AML Policy, please contact us via email:

· Email:

Last updated: April 1st, 2024

Last updated