NFT Extras

Not just passive income...

Each NFT that a player has in their connected wallet, increases the amount of Risk Points that a player gets. The Risk Points are part of the leaderboard calculations used to determine possible top five and top ten players in certain time periods. Simply by having an NFT (or many) players can increase their position on the leaderboard.

To work out the benefits of holding NFTs when thinking about Risk points, the exact equation for the multiplier is as follows:

  • balance / (balance + 2)

This is designed to encourage player fairness and not allow any one player to monopolize the leaderboards based on holding bulk amounts of NFT’s.

Here are some examples of what holding NFT's will do to your Risk Points:

  • NFT Balance: 1

    • 1 / (1 + 2) = 1 / 3 = 33% increase

  • NFT Balance: 2

    • 2 / (2 + 2) = 2 / 4 = 50% increase

  • NFT Balance: 3

    • 3 / (3 + 2) = 3 / 5 = 60% increase

  • NFT Balance: 4

    • 4 / (4 + 2) = 4 / 6 = 66% increase

As you can see, holding more NFT's will slowly become less useful when it comes to trying to 'game' the leaderboard. This is to ensure we maintain a fair and competitive spirit on the platform and makes the leaderboard risk points multiplier whale-proof.

Last updated