🏠The House

Where do your gambling instincts lie?

Since the PVP Money platform offers a decentralized gaming service, it is not responsible for playing the role of "the house" unlike other gambling/betting platforms. All players utilizing the platform are in effect playing against one another. And with Player vs House games, whilst the construct of a house still exists, it is actually other players who choose to represent the house and provide the funds to back the house.

The idea of this is so that players who are more risk averse, and who know that house odds are always better overall than gambling odds, can in fact earn money from players who lose when playing games versus the house. Essentially a user can decide to Stake an amount of money into the house, and earn proportionally to the house.


If the house has $100,000 in its possession, and Player A staked $10,000 of that, then if the house wins many games in a row, and now has $200,000 in its possession, without any additional investment(s) into the house, then User A would be able to withdraw approximately $20,000.

NOTE: Player A would inversely lose money when the house loses money, so this is not a guarantee of any kind in terms of a revenue stream, there is still risk to backing and staking into the house.

There will be many more games added to the PVP Money platform in the future, which support House staking, allowing users to fund the house and bet against those who wish to take on the house for high rewards.

Last updated