
Earn a share for referring others

As part of the PVP Money platform, volume and cash through-put are essential for continued growth. So, to help facilitate this, referral capability has been added to enable those with influence to share the platform with others. Those that choose to use the platform based off this influence will reward the referrer with a portion of all services fees.

The current referral fee is set at up to 10% of all services fees overall for all games that were played via someone that was referred. Each service fee would then go to the referral code holder once the game has completed.


If someone refers a player to the platform

And that player spends $10,000 on the platform.

Then the referrer would receive: $10,000 * 0.1 * 0.1 -> $100.

This shows that 10% for service fees is taken from the total amount wagered, and then 10% of that service fee is ringfenced for the referral code holder.

NOTE: the referral fees are always likely to be just under 10% due to the fact that 10% of all service fees are ringfenced for NFT holders first and foremost.

The calculation is for illustration purposes, given that the referral fees are actually paid out as soon as a game completes. In most cases, the referrer would instantly receive a referral fee once a game concludes. This continues whilst the users who play are mapped to the referrer and for the lifespan of the referral code.

If someone were to refer multiple players, this could easily snowball depending on how big someone's influence or reach is.

To incentivise the growth of the platform and to increase reach, there are 2 types of referrals in the PVP Money Platform.

Player Referrals

A Player referral is defined as someone who is referred to play games for BNB as rewards, which is determined before a game is entered. Anyone referred who then plays any games for BNB, will provide a small referral fee, which goes to the referrer. This doesn’t apply to players who play for tokens, as these are covered by Token Referrals.

Player Referrals are designed for those players or influencers who have a good natural reach and a like-minded audience of followers.

Token Referrals

A token referral is defined as someone who is referred to play games for a specific token, which is determined before a game is entered. Anyone referred who then plays any games for a token, which was referred to the platform, will provide a small referral fee, which goes to the referrer of that project. This doesn’t apply to players who play for BNB, as these are covered by Player Referrals.

Token Referrals are designed for those players or influencers who have good networking and connections/relationships with token projects and who can bring those projects and their communities onto the PVP Platform.

Referral Priority

It is entirely possible that a player using the PVP Money Platform has been referred via a player referral, but then uses the platform to play for a project token. In cases where the project token being played for (selectable when entering a game) is a token project which is linked to a Token Referral, then the person who referred the token will receive the portion of the service fee.

Example Part 1

Player A was referred by Referrer 1

Player A plays some games using BNB as a currency.

Referrer 1 will receive a 10% portion of service fees from Player A’s stakes.

Example Part 2

Player A is part of Community X

Community X was referred as a project by Referrer 2

Player A plays some games using the X token, which is the Community X token.

Referrer 2 will now receive a 10% portion of service fees from Player A’s stakes.

This means that Referrer 1 will only receive a portion of service fees should Player A play for BNB as a currency.

Additional Referral Information

Referral codes will have a limited lifespan and may be terminated in the interest of fairness and to avoid exploitation of the platform. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis and reviewed with fairness in mind to other players and for the good of the PVP Money platform and ecosystem.

To request a referral code, please raise a support ticket in our discord. Referral codes are typically reserved and not self-service, as to avoid too many players gaming the system with multiple wallets.

Last updated