House Staking

Have the edge!

House Staking is a novel concept that is unique to the PVP Money platform and offers a way for players to act as โ€˜The Houseโ€™.

Typically, in any online gambling or casino platform, the house (the Casino) is playing against gamblers, and sitting on the other side of any bets or games played, looking to profit from losses of players. With the PVP Money platform, the house can be STAKED into with any amount of funds. The house then receives a portion of the losses that players lose when playing games.

The easiest way to think about this is in a game like โ€˜Guess the Numberโ€™. The person playing the game is hoping to win by guessing a number correctly. The house on the other hand is looking for that same person playing the game, to lose and is ultimately betting against the gambler.

House staking doesnโ€™t require as much active involvement and is closely akin to staking pools, in that you stake funds into the house, and then you earn in line with the house making profit.

Players will be able to do one of the following actions with regards to the house:

  1. Stake into the house (Entry) โ€“ No fee for entry

  2. Claim rewards as the house earns (Claim) โ€“ No fee for claim

  3. Unstake from the house (Exit) โ€“ 2% fee of all currently staked funds

For (3) above, 50% of the exit fee (1%) from staking funds, will be allocated as service fees for the platform. The other 50% of the exit fee (1%) from staking funds will be re-allocated to the house and made available to all those currently staked in the house, in line with how much of the total % of the house stake each person has.

The re-allocation of funds to the house is to ensure that those looking for quick entries and exits into the staking pool, do not drain the value of the house due to them potentially taking on less risk than other house stakers. It is also why that anyone attempting (3) above, will only be able to do this once 24 hours has elapsed from their last staking action (see (1) above).

NOTE: House staking carries risk in that you can lose out over short periods of time, despite a typical house edge on most PVH Games being in favour of the house. To ensure that the house is not drained by high rollers in a short space of time, a 5% max payout of all house funds will be possible in any one game, ensuring that the house does not empty and is effectively whale proof.

Last updated