🎰Why PVP Money?


Typical betting and gambling platforms offer a range of services to allow users of those platforms to bet and to do so with the knowledge that they are always playing against an entity, a company; and, that company or entity is often the betting/gambling company themselves, sometimes referred to as "The House".

Gambling companies are designed to have a house edge overall, so that collectively over a series of games or betting, the company will make more money than they will pay out in winnings to those who partook. Therefore, whilst a player can make money in gambling with the right strategies and approach to some gambling formats, the house is incentivized to win and often will win overall, often at the expense of a player.

What makes this platform different?

This is where PVP Money flips the concept of gambling on its head and offers a unique experience for players... put simply the platform is indifferent to winners and losers of games, bets, or gambling.

At a high level:

  • We do not hold anyone's money in escrow or in accounts ever

  • We do not have any ability to work with FIAT currency and deposits via traditional methods outside of web3

  • We do not have user accounts; everything is done transaction by transaction on the blockchain

  • There is no such thing as deposits and withdrawals of funds on the platform, unlike most other casinos/gambling sites

PVP Money acts as a decentralized platform in the facilitation of games between all types of players. Apart from its provision and hosting, the PVP Money platform is not a custodian of anyone's money or account and does not control the ways that players choose to play. Put simply, players are always in control of their own money, never need to deposit money into an account, and are only required to authorize transactions to get involved in games on the platform. Once the platform is live, there is no requirement for intervention from any other party... players are the only active participants in the ecosystem.

This makes the platform completely unique compared to other betting and gambling platforms. It not only puts the power back into the hands of the players, but it also allows players to use the platform from both sides of the fence, as a backer of bets (playing as a gambler) and as a layer of bets (playing as the house).

These types of playing modes are covered more in later sections of this Whitepaper.

Last updated