💸Player Leaderboard

Extra rewards for those who play

The PVP Money platform is designed to incentivize volume and cash through-put. To further incentivize players to play more games, leaderboard capability and rewards have been added to the platform.

As part of the service fees which are taken when any game is played, an allocation of those fees is added to a leaderboard reward pool. These pools are then used to pay out loyal players based on some of the following factors:

  1. No. of games played

  2. Total amount wagered/staked into games

  3. Amount of risk taken on

The allocation of service fees to leaderboard pools is set at 10% of all service fees. This is split into two different sub-pools as are explained below.

Top 5 Weekly Pool

Out of the 10% of service fees, which are allocated to leaderboard rewards, 50% of the allocation (5% of all service fees) goes into a weekly pool. This pool is designed to reward the top five players in each week (Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59), every week.

As games are played and service fees are accrued, this pool will continually be topped up. Once the clock ticks over at the end of the week, the pool rewards are then distributed to the top five ranked players of the week based on the factors above.

The reward allocation will be split over the top five players as follows:

  • 1st Place - 2%

  • 2nd Place - 1.25%

  • 3rd Place - 1%

  • 4th Place - 0.5%

  • 5th Place - 0.25%

Top 10 All Time Pool

Out of the 10% of service fees, which are allocated to leaderboard rewards, 50% of the allocation (5% of all service fees) goes into an all-time pool. This pool is designed to reward the top ten players of all time at the end of a given week (Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59), each week.

As games are played and service fees are accrued, this pool will continually be topped up. Once the clock ticks over at the end of the week, the pool rewards are then distributed to the top ten ranked players based on the factors above, whom are at that time in those top ten positions.

The reward allocation will be split over the top ten players as follows:

  • 1st Place - 1.25%

  • 2nd Place - 1%

  • 3rd Place - 0.75%

  • 4th Place - 0.5%

  • 5th-10th Place - 0.25%

Rewarding Loyalty

Those who continue to play on the PVP Money platform can enjoy additional gaming and player vs player benefits. The loyalty rewards set out above will promote a healthy gamification aspect to the platform, which will in turn drive repeat behavior and returning players.

Last updated