🏅Player vs Player (COMING SOON)

Levelling the playing field

Where most betting/gambling platforms are lacking is in the area of Player vs Player games and this is where the PVP Money platform shines. The concept is simple:

  • Players select a game to play

  • Players join a table for a specific wager on that game

  • The platform automatically deduces the outcome and rewards the player(s) who win

All of the Player vs Player (PVP) games do not interract with the house element of the platform, all of the games listed are true Peer to Peer games. For example, Players A, B, C, D, and E each decide to play one of the PVP games. Depending on the selected game:

  • 1 OR Many of those players will win the prize pot, or a share of the prize pot, for the game

  • 1 OR Many of those players will lose their stake to the winner(s) of that game

This allows players to truly compete with one another in a peer to peer fashion, without the worry of a house edge potentially impacting their chances of winning.

There is no "House" involved here and the games are designed to work in a head to head fashion with anywhere from 2 to 10,000 players in any one game. Players wager their entry into a game by approving a transaction, sending the required funds to the game contract. The game will then commence once all required players are locked into the game.

There will be options for some games, allowing players to vote on whether to collectively start a game without all seats being occupied. This will be based on what makes sense for a game to commence, as in some cases there is a minimum number of players required.

Some games on the platform will be single winner games, whilst others will have multiple winners, allowing players to choose a level of risk appetite versus reward.

In general the Player vs Player games will likely have the most draw when it comes to new and returning players, simply because there is no bias towards the house, all games are fair and equal and can be won by anyone, via randomized results all determined by the platform.

There are a number of PVP games that players can choose from, which are outlined in the following pages.

Winner Takes All (COMING SOON)Russian Roulette (COMING SOON)Prediction Market (COMING SOON)

Last updated